This is how I make money online!

vcBux readbud - get paid to read and rate articles

What is PTC?

Paid-To-Click (PTC) is an advertising scheme where companies pay money to a PTC website to show their adverts to viewers. These viewers sign up to the website and start "clicking" adverts. For each click they earn a small amount of money (usually $0.01).

There is usually a limit as to how many ads you can view per day and this limit is different for different sites.

If you refer someone to the site, you earn a proportion of what they earn (usually 50%). These are called "direct referrals" because they are usually referred by a direct link that you have posted somewhere.

If your resources are limited and you can't refer many people you can "rent" referrals from the PTC website for a monthly fee. This fee is less than what you would make from each referral and therefore you make a profit if you rent a referral who is active.

If your rented referral is not active you can recycle them for a small fee, thus weeding out those referrals that aren't making you a profit, and replenishing them with new referrals. Ideally you are aiming for at least 1000 referrals before you can start making significant amounts of money.

So lets do the math:

Say you sign up for a PTC site that pays you $0.01 per click and $0.005 per referral click. You can click a maximum of 10 ads per day. You have 1000 referrals which are all fully active.

10*$0.01 + 1000*10*$0.005 = $0.10 + $50

You can see that the amount of money that you make from clicking is minimal ($0.10 per day or about $3 per month) but the commission that you are earning from your referrals is phenomenal! $50 per day equates to about $1500 per month! And you're only spending a few minutes a day looking at adverts!

Now you can see why PTC can be so alluring! But how do you make it work...?

1 comment:

Here is a video of my Neobux page!

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>